LBC is hosting our annual Spring Fling in beautiful Easton, MD. The club did a Spring Fling in 2019 in Easton and found it is an excellent area for new and seasoned riders. Most of the riding is flat with a few short hills but, nothing demanding.
Plan to join your biking friends of the Lancaster Bicycle Club and Wilmington “Rails for Trail” for this year’s Spring Fling week end, the week end on May 9-11th, 2024, in Easton, Maryland.
This year we will be sharing the weekend with the Chesapeake Cycling Club. On Saturday join them on their yearly fund raiser “ice cream ride.”38, 64, 102 mile rides.
Ice Cream Ride Info & Registration
Some preliminary plans: We do need ride leaders
-Friday afternoon casual ride to supper and ride back before dark
-Saturday morning - Your choice of rides - we can decide in the AM
-Saturday afternoon ride to the National Maritime Museum
-Ride to the Bellevue-Oxford Ferry and ride across the Chopank River and back
-Miles and miles of Talbot Farmland rides
-Rider leaders, cue sheets, and sweeps with no one let behind
-Saturday evening social and yummy food, watching the sunset over the Bay from Doc’s Sunset Grill
Cue sheets and GPS files available at the following links. Click on the button for GPS files.
Potential Rides
Cemetery Quest 32 Flat
Cemetery Quest
Cemetery Quest (17)Flat
Cemetary Short
Farmland (33)Flat
FarmLand Route
Farmland & Joust (60)Flat
Farmland & Joust
Farmland Short (18)Flat
Farmland Short
Oxford/St. Michaels (37)Flat
St. Michaels
Oxford Chesapeak Views (75)Flat
Oxford / Chesapeake
Lodging: We will be staying at the Holiday Inn Express
8561 Ocean Gateway, Easton, MD
Cost- $199 a night…2 double beds that could be shared by 2 to 4 quests
(2 night minimum for this discounted rate)
A full breakfast included
Hospitality room just for us. Please bring plenty of snacks, goodies to share
Registration Deadline is April 8, 2025
Make sure to tell them you are with LBC for the discount
Hotel Reservations