2024 Tour de Red Rose
Hey Tour Riders,
The 2024 Tour de red Rose is right around the corner. Last years TdRR was a big success with both increased member participation and incresed number of total rides completed. This years tour will be a vintage 2017 ride schedule which was our 10th anniversary TdRR and also my first. The event will be lots of fun and we hope that you will come out and join us!
Starting June 28th will post information on the blog site about the rides for the day along with the cue sheet link(s). In the meantime please volunteer to preview or sweep TdRR rides; see below (bottom) for more information and how to sign up.
The link to the blog site is here:
TdRR Daily Update
Enjoy this years tour and please take the opportunity now to volunteer!
Rich Brown
2024 TdRR Director
Tour de Red Rose Schedule Is Posted Here:
2024 TDRR Schedule
The Tour de Red Rose (TdRR) is a fun FREE event designed to give our members a chance to challenge themselves during the same dates as the Tour de France professional cycling race. This year's Tour marks our 17th Anniversary and runs from June 29th to July 21th!
Most of you know about the Tour but for those who don't here are the basics:
- Our tour consists of 20 club rides over a three week period from June 29th to July 21th, 2024
- Weekend rides start at 8am (Plus a 1PM Ride Option on Sunday's) and will have short and long distance options
-Weekday rides (Monday-Thursday) will start at either 8am for the morning ride or 6PM for the evening rides.
-Weekday rides will all have a sweep (last rider) that will leave promptly at 8am and 6pm.
-Friday is our designated rest day.
-Tour rides are open to everyone of all abilities, and best of all you can ride to win prizes!
How will the prize system work?
Our prize format gives you the opportunity to win prizes based on the amount of rides you complete. All riders are encouraged to participate in the Tour even if they do not wish to enter to win prizes, but only LBC Members who follow our new RSVP system for the rides will be eligible.
Here is the breakdown of the TdRR Award Levels:
Ride 18 rides or more: Subsidized jersey or Pactimo Club Store voucher (dollar amount TBD).
Ride 10 rides or more: Subsidized Hat/Gloves or Pactimo Club Store voucher (dollar amount TBD).
ALL club members will be given the option to purchase a jersey and/or hat/gloves (at cost) by the end of the Tour. Not riding the Tour for prizes? That's fine too, feel free to show up and ride any or all of the rides.
TdRR Jersey Options:
The artwork for the 2024 jersey is just below, it is a "play" on the Tour de France King of the Mountain jersey. Here in Lancaster County you won't be KOTM but you can be King or Queen of the County. In all cases we hope you like the jersey and it will be one of the motivating factors for you to participate!

Tracking Your Rides:
Tracking your rides to win a prize couldn't be simpler. All of our TdRR Rides are posted on Meetup as usual. All you need to do is RSVP on Meetup for the rides you be doing and show up and ride! Folks we couldn't make this any easier if we tried! All you have to do is RSVP and Ride, it really is that simple!
Haven't registered for Meetup yet, now is the time! Don't want to register for meetup or want to ride the Tour for a chance to win prizes on your schedule? Contact me offline to suggest another means of tracking your rides.
The complete ride schedule for this years TdRR is available here:
TDRR schedule
As always we need volunteers for our Tour to help preview the rides and offer a Sweep option for riders who need it. You will receive a Ride Hero Credit OR a TdRR Ride credit for your time. You are welcome to preview or sweep with a friend(s) but only one person will get the Ride credit.
Please see the volunteer section of our website for available openings here:
As a reminder you
must be logged into the website to see the volunteer positions for the TdRR!
As always if you have any questions about our Tour please drop me a message offline or view the club's website for the most up to date information.
See You On The Roads In late June!
Rich Brown
2024 TdRR Director